Briefly about us

The PolskaÉire Festival is a nationwide celebration of Irish-Polish friendship and culture. It was established to coincide with the UEFA Republic of Ireland vs. Poland qualifier in March 2015. We hoped for 10, max. 20 events, to be organized around the match. The response was overwhelming: there were more than 100 events all around Ireland, from sport to literature, from family events to music and many more!

This year we bring you the fifth edition of the Festival. Again, there will be plenty events where the Irish and Poles can celebrate together their friendship, learn from one another and most importantly: share “Dobry Craic”. Join us and celebrate this Festival with us! The craic will be dobry!

Making History

2nd edition PolskaÉire Festival

16-22 May 15 cities 102 events

97 partners & sponsors

over 20.000 participants

over 40.000 cups of coffee

3rd edition PolskaÉire Festival

27 May – 4 June 12 cities 169 events

70 partners & sponsors

over 28 000 participants

over 56 000 cups of coffee

4th edition PolskaÉire Festival

25 may – 10 June 23 cities 180 events

160 partners & sponsors

over 28.000 participants

over 56.000 cups of coffee


over 20



Partners and Sponsors



76 000

Cups of coffee

152 000

Category Events

Cultural events
Family events
Other events
Sports events

Upcoming Events
